Amway Creators – Campaigns

Campaigns empower Amway distributors to create and publish content that helps them build their brand, gain a following around their passions, and sell Amway products to customers who are part of their community. The admin piece of Campaigns is the content management side handled by a marketing team at Amway.

Campaign Onboarding & Campaign Feed

Campaign Onboarding & Campaign Feed

Creating a Campaign

The Amway Creator persona is new to the Amway business, savvy on social media, and a “micro-influencer” with an engaged following of around 1,000 people actively interacting with the Creator on social platforms. Through the campaigns feature in the Amway Creators program, Amway gives the Creator inspiration and guidance to create social media content.

The content can be focused on one of the Creator’s passions identified during the onboarding process, it can concentrate on Amway products specifically, or it can be a blend of how Amway products fit into the Creator’s lifestyle. Campaigns aim to help the Creator increase their engagement with their social audience and ultimately drive traffic to their digital storefront to sell products.

Campaign Brief

Campaign Brief

Joining a Campaign

After Amway created the campaign brief and pushed it live to Creators, they were targeted based on their interests—both the passions they pursue in their lives and the Amway products they use and sell to customers. The Creators will see the campaign in their campaign feed. They will get all the information they need to join the campaign through the brief and can begin creating content and publishing it to their social channels.

Campaign Analytics

Campaign Analytics

Viewing Campaigns

After the Creators join a campaign, create their content, and start posting on their social channels, Amway will track the campaign's performance, provide that data to the Creators, and assist them with follow-up actions. Education is also a big piece of the Creators’ experience, so the Creators will be coached through creating content and engaging with their audience as they build their businesses.