Amway Design System


Amway Design System

Amway went through a rebrand in 2019, which influenced the design direction of the Amway Creators project that I worked on. I defined a design system based on the rebrand and the Amway Creators design system that eventually rolled out to several digital products, including,, and the Nutrition Recommender tool.

This system was developed to be the primary tool that Amway Product Designers use during the design process to pull consistent, re-usable components into their active projects. The component library helps eliminate duplicate efforts between designers, providing significant time and money savings while ensuring consistency across our digital products.


Impact and Results

Less Rework through Reusability

All teams sharing a global repository of work eliminated duplication of effort and produced a significant reduction in cost. Resourcing needs dropped by more than half.

Time to Market

A new designer previously needed 3-6 months to be able to produce at full speed. Now, a new designer can be active on projects in less than 30 days with high-quality output.

Global Consistency

More than 50 designers on 16 teams developing projects for 100+ countries - all working from a single source of truth. This new process ensures all products Feel Like Amway!