Atmosphere Connect App

The Atmosphere Connect app allows users to control their Atmosphere Sky™ air treatment system from their mobile devices.

I was assigned to this team at Amway from June to November 2019 to concept a new global navigation and dashboard (remote control) page and add options to allow users to lock their devices remotely from their phones and set a schedule.



Scheduling was a user-requested feature that would allow users to set a schedule for their Sky unit: when it was turned on, which modes it would operate in, and which days of the week and times of the day that schedule would be in effect. I worked on an agile delivery team to further define these features and user stories. I designed several versions and performed several rounds of in-person and virtual user testing to get feedback on the user flow (how users navigate to and operate the scheduling feature) and the user interface.

User flow


  • Version 1: This version introduces the future-state UI that I was exploring as part of a total app redesign

  • Version 2: This version uses light mode; the existing UI

  • Version 3: Scheduling based on fan speed modes (auto, turbo, night)

  • Version 4: Scheduling that allows the user to name the schedule

Based on user testing and feedback, most users requested some time of “night/bedtime” mode that would reduce the fan speed to 3 or below (of 5) to make the unit quieter and turn the display off so it does not illuminate a dark room.

Download the latest apps: iOS and Android.


New Global Navigation

As Amway’s IoT offerings evolve, the mobile experiences need to stay relevant. The global navigation is an important consideration in the overall information architecture of the app. I proposed a potential phased approach to update the global navigation.



New Dashboard

The original Atmosphere Connect apps were designed by an external agency resource. As Amway builds out a design studio and a design system to streamline brand experiences, I wanted to clean up the dashboard view on the app. I also considered smaller screen sizes in other markets across the globe; the potential future-state addition of other connected devices from Amway to this app experience, and a cleaner, easier user experience.

Initial research into updated dashboards/navigation
